
Look below for links to places I refer to often for help and for examples of student work. If you have any suggestions, let me know!

Teacher Resources - General:

Brainyard - This site explores engagement through several activities. Also take a look at the Excavating meaning section, as there are ideas about learning logs and encouraging students to thinking about their thinking.

My Professional Development Shelf on Live Binders - I cannot vouch for all the content, but several of the sites are updated often and contain good information.

Blogs I read: 
Confessions of an Aca-Fan – This blog belongs to Henry Jenkins, one of the main scholars in the field of participatory learning.  Just recently, Jenkins posted a three part interview about connected learning, so finding and attaching this blog proved to be immediately relevant.  His blog is at: and looks to be promising and relevant to my work and passions.
Committed Sardine Blog – This blog belongs to some of the main forces behind the 21st Century Fluency Project.   Recent blog posts produced infographics about blended learning and uses for Instagram in the classroom. This blog is at: and contains different voices and perspectives.
iLearn Technology: An edublog about integrating technology into the classroom – This blog appeared in our discussion for this module, and it contains some interesting points.  One post includes a paint palette style for Bloom’s Taxonomy in the digital age, and others recommend programs with the educator’s point of view in mind.  Because I cannot keep up with all of the tools with educational possibilities, blogs like this help me stay connected.  This blog is at: and also contains tips and products.

Teacher Resources - ELA:

Discover Writing Ning - Join Barry Lane and others as they discuss writing for all grade levels. One does not have to join to gather resources, but one must join to make comments.

English Companion Ning - Join Jim Burke and others as they discuss ELA for many grade levels.

My ELA Shelf on Live Binders - I cannot vouch for all the content, but several sites are updated often and contain good information.

Student Examples:

Please Understand Me Project - My sophomores completed this project in the 2011-2012 school year. Please explore their discussion of the archetypes they embody and how the media can misrepresent them. Here is a breakdown of the project for those interested on Google docs. Please copy and save on your own desktop before you alter.

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