
             Teaching Related:
               "Archetypes and Legacy Learning" - TCTELA 2013
               "Please Understand Me" - NCTE 2012
      “Convergence Classroom” – NCTE 2008 and Texas A&M Commerce Development Day 5/09
"Categories of Memoir" - regional IRA 2002 and for other regional ELA conference
“Teaching Tolkien: Using Tolkien’s Work as a Bridge to Literature” – International    Conference of Medieval Studies
      “Teaching Beowulf” – National Council of Teachers of English
"Exploring Syntax and Diction through the Races of Middle Earth" – International Congress of Medieval Studies 2008 and PCA 2011
“Threads of Tolkien: Using The Lord of the Rings to Help Students Connect to Literature” – National Council of Teachers of English

Content Related:
      “Joining Robin’s Gang: Neomedieval Community Building in Robin Hood” –                             International Congress of Medieval Studies May 2009
      "Extending the Reach of the Invisible Hand: A Gift Looks for Gain in Middle-earth," -  International Council of Medieval Studies
            “Echoes of Dragon Slaying in The Lord of the Rings: Wyrm Imagery in Context” –   International Conference for the Fantastic in the Arts
             “Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings: Gateway to Medieval Times” – McKinney Public Library 2007

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